We partner with articians and business leaders , NYC public  and private schools to teach hands on craft to help people learn how to  earn an extra income through art and craft  by making fashionable beads, necklaces, earrings, bags ,knitting blankets, sweaters, vests, shawls, scarves, hats, mittens, caps for newborns and bedspreads or even design their own Jeans and T shirts.

UBNLINKS FOUNDATION is presently working in Abakeliki, Ebonyi State which has the highest cases of childhood malnutrition in Nigeria.

We have supported programs for the education and training of mothers during pregnancy and after the birth of their children in Nigeria, so that good nutritional   and oral hygiene habits can be formed at an early age. We know firsthand that good oral health habit enhances our ability to smile, speak, eat and show emotions . Also preventive oral hygiene  developed early in life can lead to better overall oral health throughout a person’s life. Our organization has provided free  preventive dental products  and  assisted  in the training of persons to work as educators and demonstrators of good nutritional and  preventive oral  health  practices in communities of need.

We are committed to increasing the accessibility of soccer and basket balls in West Africa , Bronx K-12 public schools and  Faith based organizations that run after school programs , creating sustainable projects that leave a lasting legacy and supporting local youth programs that will encourage children to live a healthy and active lifestyle .  

UBNLINKS FOUNDATION in collaboration with Right-to-Write has donated over 10,000 pens and pencils to elementary schools in United States and Nigeria. Thanks Kim.


We are also working in  Ghana through our “Fit to move” project . We have  assisted the Nyohini Children’s Home in Northern Ghana .


Let's Give a Helping Hand

There's Enough For All Of Us